50+ years of Christian Ministry

Volunteering at Camp Manatawny is an incredibly rewarding opportunity to bring joy, laughter and smiles to the camp community. We have many volunteer opportunities for you and / or your group.

Summer Camp Volunteers
Our volunteers are the most integral part in the development of our campers. It's our staff that go the extra mile…taking time to talk with a camper when they need a friend or being exceptionally patient in teaching a new skill.
Without our volunteers, Camp Manatawny could not successfully operate each year. Many have grown up at camp, now desiring to give back a little portion of what camp has given to them. But all come with one united goal, to help campers build their relationship with God in a safe, fun-filled environment.
ALL VOLUNTEERS regardless of age, position, or state of residence must follow the instructions on the Application Process page BEFORE you can work at camp.
Summer Opportunities
Kitchen Staff
Bible Teachers
Horse Care
Cabin Assistant
Dish Room
Office Staff
Volunteer Application Process
To follow the many new changes in Pennsylvania Law, it is important to know the new process of completing your staff application. As we seek to keep our campers and volunteers safe, we must adhere to the new guidelines for both PA and Non-Residents. Completing the application and obtaining the background clearances is not a guarantee you will be selected to work. It is the responsibility of each Director to acquire their staff. Please contact the Director's with any questions you may have regarding working by clicking here.
Year Round Opportunities
Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated throughout the year. The work at camp is plentiful and varied, with more work than hands to complete it!
Volunteers with special vocational skills often come during Spring, Fall and Winter to help with landscaping, painting, remodeling, building new projects or by working in the kitchen. Churches, youth groups, scouting groups, schools and other organizations interested in getting involved and working together on a common project, should contact the camp office for further details on how to get involved. We are happy to provide proof of hours for community service.