50+ years of Christian Ministry

Are you facing mental health issues and challenges in your life and your relationships? Come to Camp to join other college-age adults and high school seniors to explore Christ-centered solutions to some of these challenges together. Listen to great speakers and attend breakout sessions. Spend time with friends. Share, sing, play and enjoy free time. And ring in the New Year at Camp!
Check with your church to see if they offer a sponsorship code for you to use to pay for your retreat registration fee.
Theme: Transformed
Tentative Schedule:
SPECIAL EXTRA DAY - 12/28/24 from 2 to 6:30pm
Counselor Training Day - Free Event
We will cover topics such as: leadership, de-escalation, mental health, communication, conflict resolution, more.
RSVP here: https://forms.gle/5m2uhti4hDtWuNma8
Reach out to Danielle Gold at 267-251-3920 or danielle.gold@manatawny.org with questions.